NPC Executive Director Dr Jehan Perera was invited to be a panelist n a session on Civil Society and Reparations at the International Conference on Reparations organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on February 22 to 23. The UN Migration Agency is currently providing technical assistance to the government on reparations, one of the four pillars of the national reconciliation framework, which Sri Lanka has committed to, as part of its broader efforts in promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka.

The purpose of the conference was to generate a meaningful discussion around the multiple and complex challenges that the establishment of a reparation system demands by drawing upon the lessons learned and best practices from other countries who faced or are facing similar challenges associated with the development of legal framework, institutional set-up, capacities and resources, monitoring mechanisms and financing models.

In his presentation Dr Perera focused on the challenge involved in presenting the concepts of Transitional Justice in a manner that was acceptable to the majority of people. He said that the dilemma that the government faced was that Transitional Justice was focused on the victims, but the government had to take the majority along with it, or else it risked being removed from power. The recent local government election had sent a clear warning to the government that the majority was not satisfied with its performance.

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The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization