Batticaloa District Inter Religious Committee (DIRC) had a discussion on the Constitutional reform process as one of the activities to ensure that members are aware of the current Constitutional reforms and participate in the reform process.

With the financial support of the British High Commission, The Asia Foundation and NPC are implementing an initiative on inter faith and inter religious dialogue to reduce ethnic and religious tension in the Batticaloa and Trincomalee Districts.

At the meeting, DIRC members were separated into groups and requested to present chapters of the Report on Public Representations on Constitutional Reform. The report has been simplified into a five-booklet package through the project and was presented to members for their reference.

Each group gave their presentations on chapters related to citizenship and fundamental rights and language rights.

Mr. Aingaran Kugadasan, attorney-at-law, facilitated the discussion, which was centred around what DIRC members thought about the report and whether they felt that their ideas and visions had been included in the report.

Among the topics discussed by the group were the inclusion of disability rights in the Constitution, the singing of the national anthem in the two languages and the meaning of the colours and symbols in the national flag.

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The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization