A workshop for 32 youth leaders representing 16 districts on Transitional Justice (TJ) and the proposed new constitution was held in Colombo.

Journalist Gamini Viyangoda discussed the constitutional reforms and the referendum. Participants were able to understand why a new constitution was necessary and how it connected with a political solution for the ethnic issue.

Mr Viyangoda said civil society must educate voters to think as Sri Lankans irrespective of race or religion in order to create a peaceful society.

“This is a foremost requisite and it should be done through the media,” he pointed out.

At the session on TJ facilitated by S. Balakrishnan, he explained the relevance of TJ to Sri Lanka’s current situation and how TJ mechanisms had been applied in many countries, where it had enabled people to find justice.

The participants saw a documentary on the of Yugoslav conflict, which explained several types of war crimes and human rights violations.

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