Under NPC’s two projects, Reconciling Inter Religious and Inter Ethnic Differences (RIID) and Initiating Multi-level Partnership for Conflict Transformation (IMPACT), monthly meetings were held in 16 districts across the country.IMG 3350 Action plans to solve identified issues were followed up and arrangements were made to conduct Transitional Justice (TJ) workshops to create community awareness about the TJ framework being implemented by the government.

Lawyer Jagath Liyanaarachchi and NPC Project Manager Saman Seneviratne spoke on the interconnection between human rights and TJ, the relevance of TJ to Sri Lanka and how to use TJ as a tool to build reconciliation.

Under the RIID project, Matara DIRC conducted a youth programme attended by 140 students from the three communities. Teachers and parents also participated. The objective of the event was to enhance awareness of the multi cultural nature of the Matara district and how to coexist without ethnic and religion conflict.

Under the IMPACT project, Hambantota DIRC conducted a similar youth programme in Hambantota for 150 Sinhala and Muslim students as well as teachers and parents. One hundred and fifty students attended.

About us

The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization