NPC’s Women Organized for Inclusion through Community Engagement (WOICE) project supported by NED conducted an issue mapping programme in Badulla to identify community challenges from a grassroots perspective. Three key issues were prioritised, setting the stage for meaningful action.
The issue mapping process spanned two days. On the first day, youth groups shared their perspectives on community challenges while the second day focused on women’s groups, allowing them to highlight issues that resonated with their experiences.
A recurring concern raised by both groups was the long standing struggles faced by the Malaiyaha community. Despite living on estates for generations, they lacked land ownership rights. Other significant issues included the absence of birth certificates, unemployment, health concerns, inadequate infrastructure, drug addiction, limited access to government services, language barriers, school dropouts, lack of sexual education and the increasing number of unwanted pregnancies.
While both groups identified similar challenges, the women’s group displayed a higher level of awareness about the ongoing situation of the country as reflected in their discussions. One woman said, “Previously, government officials and ministers referred to us simply as estate people. But now, for the first time, the president and the government address us as the Malaiyaha community. Only now do we feel a sense of recognition and respect.”
When discussions turned to the political situation, the women’s group shared its insights, often ahead of the project team’s facilitation. Their awareness extended the Clean Sri Lanka initiative and economic condition of the country. A participant said, “Earlier we didn’t watch the news daily. But now we follow it closely, staying updated and critically observing whether the government fulfills its promises.”
The issue mapping programme showcased the growing empowerment of women in the community. However, it also highlighted the need for further efforts in strengthening youth engagement and knowledge. The project aims to elevate youth to the same level of awareness and activism demonstrated by the women’s group, ensuring a stronger and more informed community ready to advocate for its rights.