Under NPC’s Mobilising University State Engagement for Reconciliation (MUSTER) project, supported by Strengthening Social Cohesion and Peace in Sri Lanka (Scope/GIZ) and co-financed by the European Union and the German Federal Foreign Office, two initiatives focusing on knowledge sharing, research progress and capacity building were completed.

The final Sri Lanka Barometer (SLB) sharing session was the tenth and concluding session in the series, bringing together 35 participants, including students from South Eastern University, members of District Inter Religious Committees (DIRCs) and Local Inter Religious Committees (LIRCs).

The primary aim of the session was to enhance participants' understanding of social reconciliation and public opinion based on SLB findings. They discussed key insights, expressed their perspectives and engaged in meaningful dialogue on various social issues. The completion of this series marked a comprehensive effort in fostering awareness and dialogue on reconciliation through evidence-based findings.

The district level training series was concluded with the final session conducted for the research pods of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. The training provided students with valuable knowledge on themes such as pluralism, inclusiveness, gender equality and Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE).
Similar sessions have been conducted at Eastern University of Sri Lanka, University of Jaffna and University of Ruhuna. The training programmes equipped students with the necessary insights to develop and facilitate initiatives that promote social cohesion and peaceful coexistence.

Progress review meetings were conducted in Jaffna, Matara and Ratnapura with university academics, students and government officials. They provided a platform for university students to present updates on their research, share findings and receive feedback from government representatives.

Officials from the District Secretariat, including the District Secretary, Additional District Secretary, District NGO Coordinator, District Social Integration Officer and Cultural Affairs Officer, participated in the discussions, ensuring that the research aligns with public sector insights and priorities. They served as a crucial step in refining the research process and preparing for the next phases of the project with the contribution of the government sector.

In the coming months students will prepare video documentaries, develop their research and finalise their reports to translate the knowledge gained from previous sessions into concrete outputs that contribute to the broader objectives of reconciliation and social cohesion.

About us

The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization