NPC’s Women Organized for Inclusion through Community Engagement (WOICE) project conducted issue mapping programmes in the districts of Kandy, Kegalle, and Polonnaruwa. The programmes identified key community challenges from a grassroots perspective while fostering trust and recognition for Super Group leaders as empowered advocates for local concerns. Three critical issues were prioritized in each district, laying the groundwork for meaningful action.

The issue mapping process spanned two days in each district. On the first day youth groups were engaged to explore and discuss community issues from their perspective. The second day was dedicated to women’s groups, allowing them to identify challenges that resonated with their lived experiences.

The youth groups highlighted concerns related to education, employment and health, reflecting the hurdles faced by younger generations. Women’s groups focused on women’s rights and financial insecurity. Both groups identified at least one issue impacting marginalised communities in their districts. This inclusivity demonstrated the project's success in cultivating a sense of collective responsibility and fostering a pluralistic perspective among participants. Each district identified one issue affecting an excluded community, along with two broader social concerns.

“Now that we have identified the issues, we understand it will take time to address them. In the meantime we can build strong connections with affected villages and create a foundation to address these issues more effectively. We have developed good relationships with government officials, who can support our efforts,” said a participant from Kegalle. This sentiment highlights the participants' empowerment and readiness to act as change makers in their communities.

One significant challenge encountered during the programmes was the overwhelming number of issues identified with only a few being selected for immediate action. Some participants expressed concern about whether the unaddressed challenges could also be prioritised. In response WOICE plans to incorporate these issues into future proposals, ensuring broader impact and sustained community engagement.

WOICE has reaffirmed its commitment to empowering women and youth as agents of change. The issue mapping initiative not only identified critical challenges but also fostered a culture of resilience, inclusivity and proactive problem solving within local communities.

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The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization