A national advocacy session was conducted for representatives from NGOs from Batticaloa, Ampara, Vavuniya, Mannar and Trincomalee with the participation of political and religious leaders including MPs S.M.M. Musharaff and Alizhahir Moulana, party secretaries and NPC Executive Director Dr Jehan Perera.

The meeting was to advance the goals of the Action for Religious Coexistence (ARC) project by fostering collaboration and engagement across various sectors. The diverse representation of attendees underscored the nationwide importance of the advocacy efforts. The participation of stakeholders, along with the valuable insights shared by the political and religious leaders, contributed to the success of the session.

Mr. Musharaff and Mr. Moulana emphasised the critical importance of religious freedom, which intersects with other human rights such as freedom of conscience and the rights of association and free expression. They said that they would take the issue of religious rights to the national policy making level. A Religious Freedom Charter was handed over to the politicians.

The participation of NGO representatives highlighted the collective commitment to the cause. The session paved the way for continued collaboration and sustained efforts essential for achieving the envisioned outcomes of the advocacy initiative.

The session was significant not only for its immediate achievements but also for its long term impact. Bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders highlighted the collective commitment to religious freedom as a fundamental human right.

The promise of incorporating religious freedom into national policies offers hope for a more inclusive and respectful society. The programme was a crucial milestone in the project's aim of ensuring a meaningful impact on the targeted communities, laying the groundwork for lasting change and the promotion of religious harmony across the country.

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The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization