To assist people and institutions affected by travel restrictions and lockdowns imposed to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, NPC organized the distribution of hand washing basins, disinfectant liquid spray machines and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) kits to government institutions as well as dry ration packs to low income families who were daily wage earners or traders.

The families who received dry ration packs included disabled persons and war survivors. The relief programme is funded by MISEREOR and is being implemented by District Inter Religious Committees (DIRCs) in Jaffna, Badulla, Vavuniya, Polonnaruwa, Kandy, Kegalle, Monaragala, Anuradhapura, Puttalam, Galle and Colombo.

District and Divisional Secretariat officers and District NGO coordinators gave their support to ensure that the relief items were handed over to deserving individuals and institutions, helping to maintain accountability and transparency while strengthening relationships among government bodies, DIRCs and NPC.

NPC distributed 730 PPE kits, six hand washing basins and six disinfectant liquid spray machines to 12 Divisional Secretariats and three Mediation Boards in the Colombo district. The PPE kits were handed over to Divisional Secretaries in the presence of the Colombo District Secretary, who praised the work done by Colombo DIRC and NPC.

“My husband left me and my son, who is going to school. I work odd jobs to find an income. Because of Covid I am unable to find work and I have a spinal pain and a mental illness. We have been surviving because of help from my half-brother. The dry ration pack donated by Jaffna DIRC and NPC has been a great relief to us and I thank you for it,” said Thampirasa Geetha from Jaffna.

“The contents of the dry ration pack are well selected. Vavuniya DIRC has organized the donation well. They have displayed the list of items in the pack, which helps with transparency and accountability,” said Thevaky Elanakanathan a Grama Niladari officer from Cheddikulam.

“Today we are celebrating Haj. Although we live with so many problems because of the Covid-19 situation we try our best to celebrate this day however we can. So it was a wonderful surprise when three Anuradhapura DIRC members, who are Sinhala, came to our village to distribute dry ration packs to those of us who have been suffering. Despite the hardships in the country, it is important for both Sinhala and Muslim communities to live together in peace,” said A.B. Jipri from Anuradhapura.

“Mediation Board officers work in closely with the public but they have been overlooked when it comes to ensuring their safety in these dangerous times. The duties of Mediation Board officers have returned to normal but there is a threat because they do not have proper equipment so these protection kits, handwashing sinks and spray machines are most welcome. I am thankful to NPC,” said Sumithra Sirimanna a Mediation Board officer in Colombo.

About us

The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization