"When students participate in debate, they learn to study issues in depth and from perspectives, a skill I use every day in the Senate.” Barack Obama Debate is a valuable activity for students and provides them with knowledge and insight. NPC conducted a two day training programme on improving debating skills for nine Eastern University and
Sabaragamuwa University students.

The training programme was conducted by lawyer Mr. S. Sivaskanthasri, a former member of the Youth Parliament and former president of Law Student's Association at the University of Jaffna.

Mr. Sivaskanthasri delivered a presentation to demonstrate benefits of debating, importance of debating for students and roles and responsibilities of speakers. Six students were selected and given with a topic to do a practice debate, which was “The minimum qualification for a parliament member should be A/L pass”.

On the second day there were games to improve oratory skills and another practice debate on “Human rights can be breached to hasten economic development of a country”, which revealed facts about how economic growth prevails over human rights.

During the sessions there was an exchange of ideas, games and competitions. It was decided to conduct practice debates every Saturday to improve the skills of the students.

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The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization