An online training programme to improve the Non Violent Communication (NVC) skills of the Local Inter Religious Committee (LIRC) members was held for Rakwana LIRC members under NPC’s Collective Engagement for Religious Freedom (CERF) project to familiarize LIRC members with basic concepts and tools of NVC to enhance their effective engagement in reconciliation work.

The programme enabled participants to develop their communication skills that deepen understanding and compassion for self and others and improve relationships at all levels. Father Suranga explained the importance of practicing NVC skills, saying, "If all of us can follow the teachings of NVC, it will definitely pave the way for creating a good society. But we can see that people are not following these practices. I think they should be taught in combination with religious teachings, then people will incorporate these values into their lives".

Another training programme on facilitation skills was held for 36 members of Trincomalee LIRC to help them to engage with different groups in order to deliver awareness and training on religious coexistence. “The most important thing is I learnt is the difference between the role of trainer and facilitator. Although I have participated in many trainings, this is the first time I learnt the difference.

For me, this is a great benefit,” said Maulavi Yasir. As LIRC members, mediation skills are necessary for handling conflict situations, especially those related to religious and ethnic issues. NPC conducted mediation training for the 36 members of Batticaloa LIRC to improve their skills in mediation and conflict transformation. It included practical sessions to analyze conflicts and how to mediate them.

Police representatives met Vavuniya LIRC members to discuss religious tension in Mannar and Vavuniya and the preventive measures that could be taken by the LIRC, police, religious leaders and civil society leaders. The religious leaders emphasised the need for the implementation of the rule of law when incidents take place.

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The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization