Four training programmes on conflict analysis and management for religious leaders, women community leaders and youth were conducted by master trainers under NPC’s project Technical Assistance to Justice Institutions in Sri Lanka in Kandy, Matara and Badulla.

The first part of the training focused on basic human needs and identity, which is an important concept when learning to respect and accept other cultures. The second part explained conflict analysis and management, showing how that in order to resolve or manage a conflict, it was essential to understand the conflict. Participants analysed conflicts in their communities using the four tools - the conflict tree, conflict mapping, the conflict layer model and timeline.

The next stage of the training was to identify the pluralism process to understand the importance of living and interacting with all religions and cultures. There was a discussion on the role and responsibilities of youth in building a pluralistic and peaceful society.

The training sparked insightful and engaging discussions among participants that helped to bring them to a common understanding on the issues.

Among the other topics discussed were minority religious rights, overcoming prejudice, facilitating dialogue between communities, gender rights and the political will to bring about sustainable peace.

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The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization