The Consolidating Ongoing Multi-Level Partnership Actions for Conflict Transformation (COMPACT) project will begin its regular meetings, which had stopped during the Covid-19 lockdown, while adhering to all health advisory rules.

During the islandwide lockdown, all 16 DIRCs carried out relief programmes for selected beneficiaries including low income earning families, those who are differently-abled, widowed or suffering from long term illnesses and daily wage workers deprived of their earnings. The DIRCs also provided relief packs to selected orphanages, elders’ homes and long term care institutions that were struggling to provide for their residents during  the curfew.

The COMPACT team will first attend DIRC meetings in nearby districts. The meetings will focus on the theme of democratic values and how to protect democracy, and consider how Sri Lanka should go forward in the context of the forthcoming general election. 

Participants will examine the importance of protecting the 19thAmendment to maintain democracy in the country and issues of racism in Sri Lanka. NPC will also discuss how DIRCs can help the local communities that faced economic difficulties due to the pandemic to adapt and find a more stable situation.

About us

The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization