Celebrations for Vesak, a significant event for Buddhists and Eid, the end of the fasting period for Muslims, could not be held on a large scale because of the prohibition of large gatherings and the curfew imposed to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

To make up for this, religious leaders of the Weligama Local Inter Religious Committee (LIRC) decided to display banners instead of conducting public inter faith events for the Vesak and Eid festivals.

The banners were a collaborative effort of LIRC, Shashanarakshaka Bala Mandalaya, Jammeithul Ulama Committee and the Divisional Secretariat of Weligama.

“Let us celebrate Buddha Jayanthi concentrating on national unity with our sincere hearts,” was the message on a banner for Vesak, which was displayed in the town. It stated that Sri Lankans should rise up as a nation to face the Covid-19 crisis by forgetting differences and respecting each other. It urged people to follow the health instructions given by the government while celebrating Vesak.

The message of Weligama LIRC for Eid, which said, “Let’s rise up as one nation and let us pray for our country and the world to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic”, was displayed in public places including mosques.

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