With funds given to NPC by the Canadian government through its Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CLFI), Anuradhapura DIRC donated Rs. 200,00 worth of dry food to two children’s homes, two elders’ homes and one long term care facility.

The homes were grateful to receive the provisions from the DIRC because they were facing food shortages. They usually depend on donations from well-wishers during normal days but when curfew was imposed, these came to a stop.

Ms. S. Withanage, the Head of the Rajarata Adults Home said, “There are six elders living in this home. Although it is a small number, with the Covid-19 situation, they are at high risk from the virus and due to the scarcity of food in the home. The home depended on donations to feed our occupants and these have now stopped. This is the first time an organization has come forward to give us supplies, so we are grateful to Anuradhapura DIRC, NPC and the Canadian donor for helping us out.”

Mr. S.S. Sisira Kumara, Head of the House of Joy Children’s Home said, “Because of the virus crisis we have great difficulty in getting food for our children as the donations we receive don’t last for even a week. These supplies from NPC and the Canadian donor will be sufficient for us for some time.”

About us

The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization