Ratnapura District Inter Religious. Committee (DIRC), in collaboration with the Environment and Community Development Information Centre and the District Secretariat, donated dry rations to eight children’s homes and elders’ homes and long term care facilities in the district, which has been badly affected by the virus crisis.

The funds to purchase the dry rations were provided to NPC by the Canadian government through its Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) and supply and distribution was implemented through Ratnapura DIRC.

“Although we received small contributions from different sources, this is the first time we received a substantial donation from one organization and we are very grateful. Without it, giving food to the residents would have been a problem. This act of generosity is proof of how dedicated NPC is to support the peace and reconciliation process in the country,” Mother Superior of the St. Vincent Children’s Home, Sister Rose Marina, said.

“Elapatha is one of the poorest areas in the Ratnapura district. There are no proper roads and it is with great difficulty that we run this home for the elderly. When curfew was declared we couldn’t find enough food for the residents, so we are grateful to NPC and the DIRC members for providing enough supplies to last for two weeks,” Executive Director of the Seneviratne Wanasundara Sarana Sewana Foundation, Venerable Colombage Aara Athulasena Thero, said.

About us

The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization