Kegalle District Inter Religious Committee (DIRC) handed over Rs. 99,000 worth of dry rations to five children’s homes, elders’ homes and long term care facilities. The funds to purchase the rations were provided to NPC by the Canadian government through its Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) and supply and distribution was implemented through Kegalle DIRC.

The District Secretariat office supported Kegalle DIRC by helping to select families badly affected by the situation and purchasing food in bulk from Sathosa.

“We have not had enough food for our residents for some time now and we were purchasing rice from a nearby shop on credit, so this contribution from NPC came at the right time. The food is enough for more than two weeks, so we are extremely grateful and relieved to receive it,” Director of the Thalgahadeniya Subodha Elders’ Disabled Home, Ms. M.D. Kanthi, said.

Directors of the homes commended the DIRC for providing food for each specific home necessary to meet the nutrition requirements of the children and elders. They requested supplies of sanitary items.

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The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization