Members of the National Peace Council’s District Inter Religious Committees (DIRCs) across the country have been reaching out to disadvantaged people in their areas who are unable to access essential supplies due to lack of funds and availability caused by the Covid-19 crisis and the ensuing curfew.

Many shops have run out of goods while people who rely on a daily wage are unable to work to feed their families.

The district coordinator of Anuradhapura DIRC, Nimal Dissanayaka, made a donation to a group of women who made 500 facial masks that were distributed in the area while DIRC member Venerable Yakawewea Jinarathana Thero distributed essential food packs to five low income families.

With the support of DIRC member Jabardeen, the Nachchaduwa Jumma Mosque and the local School Development Board collaborated to distribute dry rations packs to 250 low income Sinhala and Muslim families.

In Hambantota, Co-coordinator of Hambantota DIRC, Chandrapala, distributed 300 leaflets to educate the public on the danger of COVID-19 and how to stay safe from it.

Nimal Abeysinghe, a member of the Puttalam DIRC, helped police and health officials to clear and disinfect the town. The police asked for the DIRC’s support to distribute relief packs with essential items to selected low income families.

Polonnaruwa DIRC member, W. Nilawudeen, distributed essential food packs to 32 low income families.

With the support of Dhammika Lakshman, Coordinator of Monaragala DIRC, 200 facial masks were sewn by a DIRC member and handed over to the Monaragala prison. The raw material for the facial masks was provided by Mr. Lakshman.

Monaragala DIRC members also made and donated 500 face masks to the Sithtivinagar Temple, a mosque and a medical center and distributed rice packets 30 low income families in the area.

Ratnapura DIRC members distributed 500 face masks in Kahawatta and Pelmadulla and provide cooked food to disadvantaged people and stray animals in the Ratnapura town.

Under the guidance of Nuwara Eliya DIRC Coordinator Emil Dissanayaka, the Nuwara Eliya DIRC collaborated with the Cooperative Society of Navalapaitiya to distribute essential packs of food to low income families in the area.

Kegalle DIRC member Sulfican Moulavi, together with other moulavis, distributed dry ration packets to 50 Sinhalese and Muslim families in Warakapola and Godawela.

WhatsApp Image 2020 03 28 at 17.10.50

WhatsApp Image 2020 03 30 at 15.13.55

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The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization