Members of the National Peace Council’s Local Inter Religious Committees (LIRCs) across the country have been reaching out to disadvantaged people in their areas who are unable to access essential supplies due to lack of funds and availability.

Many shops have run out of goods while people who rely on a daily wage are unable to work to feed their families.

Realising the plight of several people in the area, member of the Beruwela LIRC, businessman M. Uwain, along with a few of his friends, made arrangements to deliver dry rations to vulnerable families.

"Hunger knows no bounds. We are all human and we feel the same irrespective of our religious and ethnic differences. I will do what I can as a human being to help others in need," Mr. Uwain said.

He has pledged to distribute medicine and medical equipment the next time the curfew is lifted.

Another member of Beruwela LIRC, Chandralal, who a government officer, seeing that the limited supply of protective face masks was endangering his community, spent his own funds to make 300 masks that were distributed among health service and law enforcement staff. He will also distribute dry rations to families who do not have funds to buy essential food items.

About us

The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization