A project orientation and progress review meeting for representatives of existing and new partner organizations of NPC’s project Collective Engagement for Religious Freedom (CERF) was held in Colombo. Representatives of seven partner organizations who implement Local Inter Religious Committee (LIRC) activities in seven locations participated in an idea bazaar where they demonstrated their work.

Each LIRC was assigned a stall where it was asked to present the work it has carried out using banners, posters, power point presentations, impact stories, photographs and newspaper articles while the new LIRC members and the CERF team members were asked to visit the stalls and obtain more information about the activities of the committees.

Participants shared three impact stories from each committee, which allowed them to learn from each other about identifying and capitalising on the strengths of their members where they are able to influence positive change in their areas.

“We network with members through social media. We have created an identity for our committee so that we are being recognized by both state and non-state entities working in our area. The Easter Sunday attack was a wakeup call for the committee where we realised the importance of getting together and acting to re-establish ethnic and religious coexistence. We have conducted multiple community interventions including mediation sessions as well as other advocacy activities. We have established a solid network of contacts that includes state officers and political actors as well as prominent religious leaders,” explained the Addalachenai LIRC Coordinator.

“Weligama LIRC has been able to get the cooperation of young people by creating of a youth wing, which is a vital aspect in any coexistence process. We have also been successful in obtaining the support of high level state officials,” the Weligama LIRC Coordinator said.

About us

The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization