In a world where the voices of youth are increasingly important, initiatives that nurture their potential to become tomorrow's leaders are essential. Recognizing this, the ARC project team recently organized a three-day residential training program aimed at religious coexistence and Mobile Journalism (MOJO).

WOICE sounds like voice, and the w stands for women. However, do women have a voice to articulate their difficulties and their needs? Do they have a voice to speak against the violence that goes on in their communities?

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Under NPC’s Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) project, the Dehiovita Divisional Secretariat conducted a social cohesion activity focussing on International Women’s Day with the participation of over 130 women representing all ethnicities.


NPC’s People Unite for Justice and Accountability (PUJA) project, aimed at promoting community development and wellbeing, held a partner orientation and self-care training session held for 37 participants from partner organizations such as the Center for Human Rights and Development, Peace and Community Action and Right to Life. The training programme familiarised partners with the project's goals and equipped them with skills to support vulnerable communities while enhancing their own mental wellbeing through interactive sessions on stress management, emotional regulation and trauma care.

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The Global Pluralism Monitor Workshop offered a platform for open dialogue on the state of pluralism in Sri Lanka. By bringing together 47 participants including religious leaders from Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity as well as men and women representing District Inter Religious Committees (DIRCs) from 17 districts, the workshop highlighted the challenges and opportunities faced in creating a more inclusive and equitable society. The discussion was guided by the Global Pluralism Monitor Framework.

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For the first time, Adam's Peak stood as a testament to unity and peace, decorated with messages in both Sinhala and Tamil, marking a historic moment of collective commitment towards bridging gaps between communities.

NPC’s new project, Mobilising University State Engagement for Reconciliation (MUSTER), aims to increase university students’ capacity to research, facilitating cooperation between academics and the state administration with a view to encouraging state entities to take informed decisions based on research.

About us

The National Peace Council (NPC) was established as an independent and impartial national non-government organization